Individual choices make a difference
If the chaos of the last few years has has taught us anything, it’s that individual choices make a difference. So, as we start the new year I wanted to inspire you to make more sustainable and less cluttered choices, starting with your buying habits.
This week I reflected on mine, particularly my gifting habits. I realised I’d slipped into buying stuff for friends and family that, whilst I hope they enjoyed, I’d unintentionally put more stuff in their homes! And to make it worse I’d wavered on my intention for 2022 ‘to buy less ‘stuff’ as gifts’!
I’ve since reaffirmed my gifting approach for 2023 to be about giving experiences, subscriptions, sponsorships and money. You may cringe at the money one, but there are many ways to weave this in that aren’t cringe worthy. Perhaps someone is saving up for something big. Just be clear its’ contributing to this when giving. Or parents have a long term savings accounts for their children. Why not contribute to this? It’s about their future.
Small steps in helping everyone live a life a little less cluttered!